3. Continence products
Continence problems should always be treated where possible, but when they can’t be solved, containment products (such as absorbent pads) are very important. Local services differ in the continence products they can provide. Your Bladder and Bowel Service may be able to advise you on what is available and how products can be accessed in your area, including:
- Continence product assessment – who is responsible for this and how it is completed
- Types of products and the choices available from the local service
- How to access the relevant service
People living with dementia and their carers may prefer a particular product. However, if this is not available to them on prescription it is important that they know they will have to pay for an alternative if they do not want the product on offer.
“I ask the patient … a simple question: ‘Do you feel when you need to go to the toilet? Can you feel if you need to have a wee?’ … I ask them and then go from there.”
Occupational Therapist
More information on the choice of continence products can be found on the family and friends section of this website.